Tuesday, June 5, 2012


While wasting time looking through Wanelo I came across this dress shop and did what I always do, which is go straight to the sale section and found this dress.
Honestly, I am in love with everything about this outfit. From the dress to the headpiece and then down to the bracelets, I love this outfit.
BQueen is another shop that has diamonds in the rough. Amongst the more out there pieces are some items that would be wonders to add to your closet.
For instance this dress is another treasure.
I love this dress as well because it is timeless and be dressed up or dressed down for almost any formal occasion. It also lends it's self to worn with a lot of different colored accessories. 
Some suggestions of what to pair it with are these pieces.

A long necklace in the front adds a dash of color to a plain black front. The piece is small so it won't over power the dress, keeping to simple elegance. 

Or a shorter bolkey necklace looks good too, so try this one.

For bracelets I would just stick with simple gold bangles worn on both wrists. 

With shoes I would say be bold, wear a bold colored pair of shoes. 
Here is that famous teal color again that everyone loves which I would pair with the geometric necklace,
Now, I don't usually go for this type of style, I tend to like sticking to the more girly pieces but I really like the contrast between the lace on the back of the dress and the spikes on the shoes. 
Now, for the moment we have all been waiting for....... The pair of shoes that I would buy, hands down  to wear with the dress, with either necklace, the bangles, everything. 

So, in conclusion, go check out BQueen they have some amazing pieces!
And please leave comments on your opinion of the looks posted!

Other shops mentioned in this post are (in order of appearance):

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