Friday, August 17, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award - Plus Get To Know The Girl Behind The Curtian

Most importantly I would like to thank Bethany Paige from Paige of Fashion (okay LOVE the pun) for nominating me for this award. It is one thing when your friends and family complement your blog but you enter a whole other ball park when strangers take time to call your blog out and say "Wow, I really like it." So, thank you again Bethany. (Seriously, go check out out her blog. I love it.) 
Now is the time for me to nominate 15 blogs that I think deserve this award. I don't think I can list 15 but here are a few that I love and I think you should go check out.

Now time for me to tell you seven facts about myself.
1. I love impressionist painters. I think that their pieces are works of pure beauty. I mean the brush stokes, the color, it's all just beautiful. 

Pierre August Renoir painted Claude Monet

2. I have recently decided that I want to be a fashion designer. It's a long shot of a dream but I have never been practical with my aspirations. 

3. I have two dogs named Luna and Juniper, I love them dearly and they are the cutest dogs in the world. 

4. One of the things on my list to do before I die is to own a Valentino dress. I mean if I wasn't a poor college student and had an unlimited bank account I would own everything he has made. Each piece is a work of art. 

5.My biggest pet peeve is when people jump to conclusions.
"You jumped, of course," explained Canby. "That's the way most everyone gets here. It's really quite simple: every time you decide something without having a good reason, you jump to Conclusions whether you like it or not. It's such an easy trip to make that I've been here hundreds of times."
"But this is such an unpleasant-looking place," Milo remarked.
"Yes, that's true," admitted Canby; "it does look much better from a distance."
-The Phantom Tollbooth 

6. I love seeing the moon during the day, I think it one of the most beautiful sights in the world. 

7. I can be one of the most indecisive people you have ever met but once I make up mind it will never be changed. 


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