Saturday, July 28, 2012

How To Wear A Short Sleeve Button Up

On my post DIY Tank Sleeve Button Up I received a comment asking for some tips on how to style a sleeveless button up. (Sorry about the late reply!) So bellow are some tips on interesting ways to wear a sleeveless button up, I hope you find this helpful!

1. Front Knot
It is no secret that that showing just a little bit of skin either on your back or on your waist is a huge trend. Well you can accomplish this same look without spending 30 dollars or cutting a hole in your favorite t-shirt. Just take your button up, unbutton the last two buttons and just tie them in a knot raising the bottom of your shirt to rest around your belly button.

I paired this look with a pair of high waisted shorts, my favorite tan heals and (recognize the headband?) all together this makes for a 60's inspired look perfect for a casual day in the park. 

2. Tucked In
You can also always go the classic route and tuck it into a skirt, shorts, or a pair of jeans. This way is timeless and also key if you plan on wearing your button up for a work or formal occasion.

This outfit features one of my favorite skirts which, fun fact, was the skirt I had to wear for the brief time I went to a private school. I love this skirt, it can literally be worn with anything for pretty much any occasion. 

3.  Half Tucked In
This look is exactly what the title says, half tucked in and the other half not. In theory this might sound odd but trust me this look is killer.

4. Paired With A Bandage Skirt
This look is mainly used to showcase the classic untucked look which is always a timeless way to go. 

This look features one of my favorite skirts, a starry print bandage skirt from H&M and simple black boots from UrbanOG accessorized with handmade beaded jewelry. 

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